If the offset window is pupulated, the small encoder display (the one wich is supposed to be there all the time if on nomad @5 or ion) disappears. Saw that on different @5’s and on nomad.
If the offset window is pupulated, the small encoder display (the one wich is supposed to be there all the time if on nomad @5 or ion) disappears. Saw that on different @5’s and on nomad.
So that I understand, do you mean this ribbon?
which goes away when using Offset?
Hi Philip77739
Would you mind answering the question Matt asked, so we can cantinue looking into this?
Thank you
I would say yes,
because the Offset window is so damn dominant.
It isn't even going away after a terminated Commandline.
But there where a couple of surgestions about that.
Yes Thilda is right…
i think offset window is my friend during the process of selection but if I’m done it should go.
and still I’ve got no clue why it overrides the ribbon Matt mentioned.
Thank you for the clarification.
In case you didn't need the encoders and/or the parameter tiles during the offset process but rather want to use the encoders after you're done with offset, you could use the {Close Offset Display} button on screen.
Does that improve your workflow?