3.1.5.b8: choose which eos screen is used in a miror mode on pc?

Hello, working on a GIO,  i tried to use ligth director pc to get a miror, And i used mine too.

On my computer, the screen reflected was an external one, the left one (i have 2  external screens),  but there was a strange problem: i couldn't see all channels, some of them were missing at the right window end.( for exemple, in the external screen i was in channels used in show. i could see all of them. in my pc miror, i could see from 1 to 27, then second line from 35 till 57. impossible to see all of them

On the light director pc, the reflected screen was the right GIO screen, including .CIA, which is very unconvenient for him..

I couldn't find why there wasn't the same screen reflected, couldn' find where comes from the bug of some channels invisble in my pc.

-Is there a way to choose which screen is reflected?

-Any idea for the channels view problem on my pc?

Hope i was clear enough, thanks for any help.

If needed, i'll send screen captures the days coming.

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