Playback Master Fader - Man - Go from last - Wrap

Ciao Guys!

I have a CueList with 5 Cue and i set my fader in this way:

I have also a proportional submaster for channel 11 (dimmer) at Full.

The Cue 5 is my blackout cue with all channel at 0 with Block/Assert.

If I bring up my Sub in Cue 5, channel 11 is set at Full in yellow, but when i go in the first cue with the Manual Fader, where i don't have any value for this channel, it becomes Full in Magenta.


When the channel 11 is magenta if i bring down my Sub it continues to stay at Full. 

This dosen't happen if I go from Cue 5 to Cue 1 with GO.

I don't understand why and the logic of this behavior.

Below is a video that will help you better understand th situation:

Thanks for your Help.

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