How to have an overlapping effect on the same fixture which is activated by a bump button on a fader?

Eos console...What I would like to have happen is this: A chase effect is running on a single fixture (Astera Titan, 8 cell mode). The chase effect is saved on a submaster and assigned to a fader. When the bump button is pressed the effect runs one cycle. But, if the bump button is pressed again, the effect will activate again without canceling the first instance of the effect. The 2nd activation is chasing the 1st one without a canceling it and starting. So this effect would be stacking up on itself each time the bump button was pressed. It would be almost like a gun firing each time the bump button is pushed and the glow of each shot would fade out naturally; not terminate.

Is this possible as a single effect? 

Would this be done in a 2nd Cue List with the bump button activating the next cue? 

Looking forward you all your suggestions!
