How to have an overlapping effect on the same fixture which is activated by a bump button on a fader?

Eos console...What I would like to have happen is this: A chase effect is running on a single fixture (Astera Titan, 8 cell mode). The chase effect is saved on a submaster and assigned to a fader. When the bump button is pressed the effect runs one cycle. But, if the bump button is pressed again, the effect will activate again without canceling the first instance of the effect. The 2nd activation is chasing the 1st one without a canceling it and starting. So this effect would be stacking up on itself each time the bump button was pressed. It would be almost like a gun firing each time the bump button is pushed and the glow of each shot would fade out naturally; not terminate.

Is this possible as a single effect? 

Would this be done in a 2nd Cue List with the bump button activating the next cue? 

Looking forward you all your suggestions!

  • With FX's i would say somehow definitly 'No'.
    Struggeling here only means, with some extraextraextra work around you may be able. But i don't think that it is worth it.

    With a Cuelist... I would also go with a 'No'
    Same reason here as with the FX.

    My Explenation:

    FX on Sub: 
    On one Fixture-Parameter there is only 1 FX at a time allowed. (Yes you can work around with a Submaster).
    The FX will need to finish, after it could be restartet.
    If you like to fire, in Random time, an FX, you need a couple of Subs with the FX and than you can try.

    Mimic the FX with a Cuelist:
    Similar to an FX, the Cuelist need to finish first and can than be retriggered.
    Multiple Cuelists could work. Same conditions as the FX-on-Sub


    A Pixelmap could help if you have a specific pattern.
    But try to trigger it random by hand will also result in making multiple layer.
    And the Fadeout at the end of the Tube would be realy hard to make.


    I think i would go with a couple of Submasters
    More than 5 is propably overkill on a 8Cell Fixture.
    The Fadeout could be done with the FX(internaly) or with the Fader (Up/Hold/Down-Time).

    Overall a nice little project. But realy a trouble.

  • Thank you for your suggestions. I will try getting one of these options going. 

    Here is an additional side note: I saw a GrandMa programmer do this on a titan tube, and the effect was/seemed to be overlapping. I asked him by text about how he achieved this and here is his reply:

    Me: I've been wondering about that effect you did on the fader, the the bump button and the Titan tube. Did you tell me that was a cue stack?
    MA Programmer: Yeah cue stack on a temp trigger. A temp trigger for me is a button that will fire a look for as long as I hold it. It releases to stored levels after you stop pressing the trigger.
    Me: Ok. If I remember right, the light effect you were having on that tube would continue on. Would that just be a fade/exit time before returning to a background status?
    MA Programmer: Correct. Delay time from trigger
  • But if i read the response right, there was no multiple trigger of an FX.

    If there was a Cuelist running, than this could be reproduced easily.

  • Here is how I ended up resolving my own question from above:

    I created an additional Cue List where I referenced the light fixture I was working with. In my situation it was Cue List 3 and my light fixture was an Astera Titan tube in profile 124 (multi cell). With this profile there was a Master Channel and 8 Cells. A group was created for the only the Cells of the Titan Tube (Group X, Cells).

    Several different effects where tried. The one I liked the best was a Linear Effect with a pop-on to full and then taper off, so it trailed like a comet. This is an effect you can create using the Draw Tool and Mirror Horizontal. I set the Scale to 130, Rate to 1100, Spread to 16, and the Duration was set to 1 Cycle.

    In the new Cue List (3), Cue number 1, the Titan (Channel X) was added. In the Master Channel the intensity was set to 100%. In the following Cells (X.1 thru X.8) the intensity was set to Zero. Here is where the Effect was added: The effect is Only for the Cells of the fixture. Selecting the Group which has Only the Cells, the Effect was activated. After this, Cue 3/1 was recorded and then Cue 1 was copied to Cue 2 and Cue 3. Then Cue 3/3 was Linked to Cue 3/1. This way the 3 cues would act as a continuous source for the Effect to be activated over and over when prompted.

    This new Cue List (3) was then recorded to an open fader.

    Here is the key to making this all work without affecting your primary cue list e.g., a cue list 1.

    Configure your fader with the Phantom: ON

    Exclude: Record

    Go from Last: Wrap

    And, use the Channel Filter to specifically include your fixture which is creating the effect. This would be both the Fixture Channel and the Cell Channels (Channel X + Channel X.1 thru X.8).

    Once this is all done, you can return to your primary cue/cue list, and when you want to trigger the effect, just hit the Go Button on the Fader or on your Virtual Fader. Each time you hit the Go Button the effect will activate!

    I would like to send a big thank you to Mark LaPierre for his article Tip to Multiple Cue List on Eos.

  • But you are not able to have multiple instances of the same FX at once.
    Just a you like to have, when you started this thread.

    -Setting up {Phantom} is not a must have and is not effecting the FX
    -Setting up the Channel filter is not required in your case. As Mark LaPierre stated, it is only needed if you have more than one source recorded in your running Cue List.

    You made yourself a nice Ramp-down FX.
    And i would boldly say that you could make it look the same, even with 1 Cue and no {Link} (because you made the Cue List {Wrap from last}).
    And 8 Seconds for a FX-Time feels like a reeeealy slow Gunfire.
    I understood something way more faster ^^


    But it worked out for you.

  •  This was close to the look I was wanting to get and wanted to share it with those reading this post.

    Before I had the Phantom option selected, when the effect was activated; it Took Over the Primary Cue list. The desire was to compliment/add to the primary cue(s) without affecting them. So a secondary cue list was used which would function independently of the primary cue, and could be added in manually when wanted.

    As for the channel selection; this was to limit the effect to only the fixture(s) producing the effect. I wanted it to be contained, as suggested by Mark LaPierre in his article. As to my original description of gun fire, that was to help explain, a desired look. The screen images of the effect which I included above where from the base effect. This is why I wrote above in my suggested solution, that I used a scale of 130 and a rate of 1100. This change to the effect I recorded as an update in each of the cues in the effect cue list as to not mess with a base effect which I had saved.

    Yes, maybe the wrap was not necessary in the secondary cue list. I used several cues in an attempt to not have the cue shut completely off and start new each time the bump button was pressed. I wanted the cues to overlap to some degree in an effort to have a "gun fire" look. Was this perfect? Probably not. But it came close to what I was wanting to achieve. Thinking about this now, I will go back to this and adjust some timing with my cues in an attempt to have 0 time in and more time on the out. Thinking

    And yes, unfortunately the effect does not overlap on the fixture but is moving quite fast at a rate of 1100 it obtains an irregular look with random activations from the bump button. I found if I didn't get too enthusiastic with my pressing of the bump button. I was able to have a pretty good effect. 

  • Follow Up...

    I have used this same Effect applied to the same fixture(s) in the my 1st cue list (primary) and have had the same results as with the secondary effect fixture cue list. This seems to be a simpler way to skin the cat. Wink 

    This time , I created an effect button in a Magic Sheet to trigger the effect. This way I am just clicking on the screen rather than pushing a physical button.

    I did change my cycle time in my original effect this time to speed up or slow down the effect.
