RemDim behavior

I tried to write some macros using the RemDim functionality.
1. Macro:
Rem_Dim 20 ◊
This works fine when I use a channel number before pressing the macro.
But when I press the macro without a channel number it will post 'Chan 20'

1. Macro:
Highlight Rem_Dim 20 ◊
This works fine, but when I press the second time, to switch off, it will post 'Chan 20'.

Is this behavior intended? Or is this a bug or feature request?

  • Rem_Dim is supposted to work only with a Channel selection first, properly.

    If you have a clear command line and hit [Rem Dim] you will get an Error.
    And after that, your 20 is like a new insert and is therefore Ch20.


    Your Second Macro sets Highlight active and Rem_Dim all the other Channel.
    Highlight is Disabled by hitting [Highlight] once again.
    Therefore fireing your Macro a second time will:
    1. Disable Highlight
    2. throw an Error, because of the single Rem_Dim
    3. read the incoming Values (20) as if has a new and "empty" command line

    And that will result in the same action you have discribed with you first macro.  

  • Rem_Dim is supposted to work only with a Channel selection first, properly.

    If you have a clear command line and hit [Rem Dim] you will get an Error.
    And after that, your 20 is like a new insert and is therefore Ch20.


    Your Second Macro sets Highlight active and Rem_Dim all the other Channel.
    Highlight is Disabled by hitting [Highlight] once again.
    Therefore fireing your Macro a second time will:
    1. Disable Highlight
    2. throw an Error, because of the single Rem_Dim
    3. read the incoming Values (20) as if has a new and "empty" command line

    And that will result in the same action you have discribed with you first macro.  

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