Configuring a cheap-o DMX relay board on EOS Element


I bought a $40 Chinese 8 channel DMX relay board from Aliexpress so we could fire off some practicals in our community theater production. The board works great as an 'intensity" device, and you can patch its 8 DMX addresses to 8 Element channels and the relays will enable when the level gets over 50%. So far, so good.

But, I thought it would be fun fire up the Fixture Editor and create a custom fixture for it, mostly so the "Type" field in Patch wouldn't just say "Dimmer." I had no problem making an 8 attribute custom fixture with an 8 address DMX footprint, but then those address became a "device block" and I couldn't patch each relay individually to its own channel. (Yes, I'm a newbie.)

Soooo....I made a 1 attribute/address custom fixture called "Relay on Relay Board" and I then I could instance up 8 of those and stick 1 on each channel. This works, but only if the type of the attribute is set to "Intens." If I set it to "Relay" (from the "Image" category, I think) it doesn't seem to do anything, even if the allowed values are 0 > 100.

So, I guess I'm asking what is the "ONE TRUE WAY" to set something like this up (and get the nice snapping behavior and type display and maybe even represent the device as a unit with an 8 address footprint, but still be able to control each relay)? I also see there is an attribute type called "Relay Layer" (in "Form" I think) -- that sounds interesting, but I've no idea what it is or why it is different than a simple "Relay."

I mean, what I have (1 channel custom-named fixture with an attribute type of "Intens" and snapping clicked on) works fine and I'm not stuck, but it seems like I'm not being truly mutual with "the EOS way" -- and I'd like to be one of the cool kids.


  • Really if you want them to be patched as seperate channels then patch as dimmers. Then you can patch and operate the relays separately by raising the value over 127 or 50% this is how I use these devices. Works well for me.

    And don't worry about being a newbie. we were all there once in our life. The important thing is learning and having a go which you already are.



  • Thanks Geoff. My engineering background and anal-retentive aesthetics would just be driven nuts if the "type" field in patch said "Dimmer" instead of "Relay On Relay Board" (or something similar). Plus I feel Patch should be somewhat self-documenting for the operator (which won't be me). Doing a custom fixture also lets me force snap, which seems like a feature.

    I'd still like to understand -- and this whole exercise is one about developing a good mental model of fixture representation in EOS at this point -- why setting the custom fixture type to "Relay" seems to break things and what the custom fixture type setting is really doing for the system, since it seems to have semantic properties the software uses to infer some default behaviors, and presumably some (vaguely specified) operational properties as well.

    Anyway, I'll get to goof with this some more in a couple of days, so maybe I'll have something new to report then.

  • Thanks Geoff. My engineering background and anal-retentive aesthetics would just be driven nuts if the "type" field in patch said "Dimmer" instead of "Relay On Relay Board" (or something similar). Plus I feel Patch should be somewhat self-documenting for the operator (which won't be me). Doing a custom fixture also lets me force snap, which seems like a feature.

    I'd still like to understand -- and this whole exercise is one about developing a good mental model of fixture representation in EOS at this point -- why setting the custom fixture type to "Relay" seems to break things and what the custom fixture type setting is really doing for the system, since it seems to have semantic properties the software uses to infer some default behaviors, and presumably some (vaguely specified) operational properties as well.

    Anyway, I'll get to goof with this some more in a couple of days, so maybe I'll have something new to report then.
