Is there a "display last recorded or modified cue" option? I remember on the old Strand 500's the last recorded cue could be displayed in green text at the bottom of the cue sheet. It was very handy during busy stop and start tech rehearsals.
Is there a "display last recorded or modified cue" option? I remember on the old Strand 500's the last recorded cue could be displayed in green text at the bottom of the cue sheet. It was very handy during busy stop and start tech rehearsals.
Do you intent to view the last Cue you worked on, even if it is in the middle of you current Cuelist?
Or do you like to select the last Cue on your current List?
The last cue that was worked on.
Are you trying to return to a cue from a "go to 0/out" scenario for a break/work session, or are you trying to recall the last recorded values to continue work without writing down the cue number and "go to cue" yada yada?
Is this a case in unloading a fader by means of release which keeps you in "place" in the cue list, but releases playback data would help?
Partly the first scenario of remembering where you left off after a break, but also the scenario of say the L.D. is working on Cue 10 and the Costume Designer shows up and wants to see what something under cue 72 so you do a quick record of Cue 10, then go to Cue 72, the Costume Designer looks at what they need to look at, leaves, and the L.D. says "now where were we?"
From my current understanding, there is no such easy command.
But i always can be wrong!
In your written Case, you may be able to go through your last actions with [Shift]+[Enter]. This can be toogle the 5 last actions you did.
Just like you can do it with [Select Last].
An other option could be to have a short look in the Command History (Tab 30).
And if this is something that happens a lot, you can just try to think of ussing a pen and write your current Cue on a paper.
All of them are work arounds.
This is not currently possible. If you still think this would make a valuable addition to the Eos software please head over to the Feature Request section of the Eos forum and post about it.
Thank you.