Is it possible to merge in channels from another file, but leave the actual patch behind?

I want to merge channels from another show and copy data to my new rig, but do nat want to mess with any actual address patching. Can I merge the channels into the file with only show data but no patch?

My workaround would be to unpatch everything in the file that will be merged, but a smarter way would be awesome if possible.

  • I think that you would need to merge the channels to a new location, then copy them within your showfile {Only Show}.

    So if I understand what you want to do:

    In my old show, I like what Channel 1 is doing throughout.  I want to bring it into my current show.

    So, while sitting in my current show, Displays > File > Merge > "old show" > Advanced > Patch.  Use the "Target" column to point "old" channel 1 to "new" channel 4001 (or another free channel that fits inside your Allowed Number of Channels)

    Then, in Patch, Chan 4001 CopyTo 1 {OnlyShow}.

    I strongly encourage saving your "current show" before doing any kind of merge - that way, if the process breaks something, you can revert to a known-good state and try again.

  • I think that you would need to merge the channels to a new location, then copy them within your showfile {Only Show}.

    So if I understand what you want to do:

    In my old show, I like what Channel 1 is doing throughout.  I want to bring it into my current show.

    So, while sitting in my current show, Displays > File > Merge > "old show" > Advanced > Patch.  Use the "Target" column to point "old" channel 1 to "new" channel 4001 (or another free channel that fits inside your Allowed Number of Channels)

    Then, in Patch, Chan 4001 CopyTo 1 {OnlyShow}.

    I strongly encourage saving your "current show" before doing any kind of merge - that way, if the process breaks something, you can revert to a known-good state and try again.

No Data