Preset Concerns

In several cues director wanted two MLs poinitng to same spot. To recall positions quickly I set them once and recorded a Preset. Several cues were recorded using the Preset to im and focus the MLs.

Later we wanted to change one cue and ran the MLs down to zero. But then we saw the other cues set with the Preset had also gone to zero! And visa versa - setting Intensity up in one cue caused others to come up? 

It seemde to me that when we changed the INT of a Preset fixture and "Updated" that cue the Update also rewrote & saved the intensity of the actual Preset. I should add we use "Cue Only" mode. 

Is this expected? If so is there  way to deconnect the fixture from the Preset? 

  • i think you recorded the intensity of the channel into the preset as well, right? and then you change it in one place and with Update that change gets pushed to the presets as well. and now other cues that also take their info from the preset will see the new intensity.

    the immediate remedy is MakeAbsolute while in one of the cues (this makes the cue forget, that the channel information once came from the preset). but i think a more thorough way, that also helps avoid the same problem in all those cues, would be to edit the preset in blind and remove the intensity from the preset. your cues will not lose their intensity, just the reference will be replaced by the actual intensity.

    Blind, Preset 5 Enter. Chan 1+2 Intensity At Enter     (the word Intensity you can get by clicking it in the CIA, or with Ctrl-I on an external keyboard)

  • That's absolutely (no pun) what I did! And thankyou for the "out". Time to experiment on copy showfile methinks!

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