Strange behavior with Midi Timecode from QLab

Standard Setup:
EOS on a GIO, connect via a USB-Midi Modul with a Apple Macbook with QLab.
GIO send a Cuenummber that start a Group with Soundfiles and a Timcode on QLab.
This Timecode control the Cuelist in EOS.

During a Testrun, the GIO stop recive Timecode.
Like as the USB-Midi Modul is disconnect.
I can`t also send Cue from GIO to QLab, means if i do on GIO "Go to Q102" Qlab not reacte, but a Cue with Number 102 do exist in QLab.

But i had have no chance for reetablish the connection.
Tab 99 dont show any Midi come in from Macbook.
Check all connections, change Macbook, change Konsole, change USB-Midi Modul, change cables, controll 10 times all settings,...
No chance.

The Timecode come back again at i connect a second USB-Midi Modul and send the signal in a USB Port in the GIO.

So, Midi Ports at backside of GIO not work -from one second to the next, the last 6 years they work without problems, USB to USB connection works.

Where do i start my investigation?
How can i test if the Midi signal is good enough?
