Can I use the spacebar as a GO button on an EOS family console

Can I use the spacebar as a GO button on an EOS family console?

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  • yu have to try, not sure. There might be enable spacebar option in the setup or straight in the shell. (i´ve never tried with a console keyboard

  • I tried it last night on an Element 2 console, and Alt+G does indeed work! I was not in setup or shell, just the normal operating state. I also found ctrl+space functions as stop/back.

    You might be wondering why I needed to do this, and it was because the venue has a large tech booth with some separation between the audio console and the lighting console, and I was trying to run both. Luckily the keyboard attached to the lighting console had a long cable, giving me essentially a remote "go button" right next to to the audio console, which is exactly what I needed.

    Passa, thanks again for this tip!
