Gio - lower the intensity of global fixture in all your cues

I am using Rogue R2 washes in one venue, then moving venues that have Robe Robin 800s as a replacement. 

The Robins are a much brighter fixture and I was wondering if there is a quick way to select all the Robins and lower their intensity in all cues?

Rather than going through each cue, selecting the Robins, lowering the output (to better match what the R2's were outputting) and updating the entire cue stack. 

Thank you!

Parents Reply
  • 1 more way, a little more flexible:

    make an Inhibitive submaster (on a fader or on screen) for only the Robins (all units on 1 sub, or 1 sub for fronts, 1 sub for backs  . . . . . )

    Don't edit the patch or the cues: run the show as normal.

    but manually pull the sub handle down until it matches the intensity that you want.

    Pro: flexible, you can go brighter in a cue if necessary (push sub up)

    Con: you can bump the fader up/down by accident, or forget to put it back after a temp adjustment.


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