from 3.1.5 or from 3.2beta to 2.9

Hello, for a tour coming, we will meet an old eos locked in v2.9. All my show was built and recorded in xyz, will i have to swap psts to to pan-tilt or will eos do it by itself while recording to v2.9? What do become SEM and SE, do they disappear, should i care of something? Are they specific issues i have to be carefull about? thanks for any advise.

  • Thank you for your question. We're aware that this response comes quite late. For future reference:

    The esf showfile and 2.9.3 are not aware of the special meaning of XYZ_Focus parameters or their link to Pan/Tilt. The values are stored and shown, but don't actually control anything. SEM and SE also have recorded values, but because there is no nesting before 3.0 they don't affect  anything at all.

    The cues with XYZ Format Enabled will use their Pan/Tilt values instead so the lights point to the same position. What doesn't produce the correct results are the Pan/Tilt values of channels that were nested in SEMs. Without nesting those channels are not aware that they were located in a different place than indicated by patch.

    Hope that helps.

  • Thank you for your question. We're aware that this response comes quite late. For future reference:

    The esf showfile and 2.9.3 are not aware of the special meaning of XYZ_Focus parameters or their link to Pan/Tilt. The values are stored and shown, but don't actually control anything. SEM and SE also have recorded values, but because there is no nesting before 3.0 they don't affect  anything at all.

    The cues with XYZ Format Enabled will use their Pan/Tilt values instead so the lights point to the same position. What doesn't produce the correct results are the Pan/Tilt values of channels that were nested in SEMs. Without nesting those channels are not aware that they were located in a different place than indicated by patch.

    Hope that helps.

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