Fine step/high resolution dimming on EOS software (Element desk)


I'm trying to find a way to operate 16 bit dmx fixtures in "ultra fine" steps.  

When for example using a 16B dimmer, the lighting desk combines 2 dmx dresses to make the 16b bit value. 

When operating the fixtures the normal step's on the level wheel on an Element desk are 101 steps         ( 0 to 100 %) 

If I use the Data latched command I can dim in 256 steps                                                       (8bit dmx value 0 to 255 )

With te command ch @//value I can set a value in the fine way that I soo please          ( 16 bit  dmx value between 0 and 65.535) but this would mean typing in every value one by one and checking if that works. 

When for instance working on low levels the final 255 steps (in a 16 bit value) can make a huge differences in what you see on stage when using LED and I would like to easily scroll trough them.  (Lets not go in to dimming curves) 

I really hope there is a secret key combination like holding down shift when using the level wheel to unlock the 16 steps and have the pleasure of  the ultra high 65535 resolution  instead of 101! 

I can't wait for your ideas. 
