[Go To Cue] x [at] y for multiple cues

Dear all

I have one cue list but in this cue list i have some long running cues, so they are still running, when I fire a new cue.

When I am correcting my programming, I need to go into an intermediate state of the long running cues.

For example: I have long running Cue 10 and Cue 15. I want to go to the point, where Cue 10 is 60% completed, and I want Cue 15 to have 40% completed at the same time.

For the first cue, it is easy:

[Go To Cue] 10 [at] 60

With that the console completes the fade to Cue 10 to 60% and waits there.

If I want a the same time to have the Cue 15 finished to 40% i type:

[Go To Cue] 15 [at] 40

Then the Cue 10 will finish and not stay at 60%.

How can I do a [Go To Cue] [at] with several cues, which have overlapping execution?

I am working on a updated ION with EOS

Thanks for your help

Best, Marco

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