Hi, can't find syntax to mirror thrust B and D, any help?
Hi, can't find syntax to mirror thrust B and D, any help?
what er you trying to do? let's say ThrustB has 40 and ThrustD has 20. what result to you want to achieve?
B20 and D40. (that's a syntax i intend to use for other parametrres)
and in some macros
you can only get that by copying to a third channel first.
thanks, i hoped to find a swap function, i 'll might request it soon.
In addiction to that you might want to add a shutter rotation invert. So when a blade is rotated by -15° it needs to be rotated to +15° in most cases. Am I right?
this one is simpler.
Frame_Angle_A / -100 Enter
will invert the angle.
yes, i finally succeded my macro with */-100 (mirror pan & shutter)
thought i succeded, still deeping
found another way, using a palette:
ThrustB Recall_From ThrustD PST9999
AngleB Recall From AngleD PST9999
ThrustD Recall_From ThrustB PST9999
AngleD Recall From AngleB PST9999
I think in my case will be quite more efficient than using third ch.
I have most certainly nicked this idea and have added to my Mirror Macro. It works with non shuttering fixtures too without throwing up an error!
yes, it opens many possibilties, very glad i found this way. Could make mirror with shutter work perfect, even a flip with shutters, working with ch, grps or any selection.