[BUG] Submaster Sneak Time Cannot Accept Delay

Starting in 3.2.0 channel sneak times can accept delay in their syntax, but submaster sneak times cannot.

`Chan 1 @ 50 Sneak 10 Delay 30` is fine, but `Sub 1 @ 50 Sneak 10 Delay 30` is an error. I think sneak's syntax should be the same across all targets.

  • This is currently working as designed, so this post is a feature request.

    If you still think this would be a helpful addition to the Eos software, please head over to the Feature Request forum and post it there so the product management team can have a look.

    Thank you.

  • From the 3.2.0 release notes:

    > Sneak commands accept [Delay] in their execution

    From the 3.2.0 manual page 268:

    > The following examples illustrate the various methods of using the sneak command:


    > [Sub] [4] [At] [5] [0] [Sneak] [2] [Enter] - selects submaster 4 and sneaks it to 50% in 2

    Those two pieces of information make it appear as though all possible uses of the sneak command support delays.

    Considering submasters support [Time] to adjust their fade duration, perhaps `Sub 1 @ 5 Sneak 2` should be removed. I can't sneak to a cue either. But I can go to a cue with a delay.

  • From the 3.2.0 release notes:

    > Sneak commands accept [Delay] in their execution

    From the 3.2.0 manual page 268:

    > The following examples illustrate the various methods of using the sneak command:


    > [Sub] [4] [At] [5] [0] [Sneak] [2] [Enter] - selects submaster 4 and sneaks it to 50% in 2

    Those two pieces of information make it appear as though all possible uses of the sneak command support delays.

    Considering submasters support [Time] to adjust their fade duration, perhaps `Sub 1 @ 5 Sneak 2` should be removed. I can't sneak to a cue either. But I can go to a cue with a delay.
