Use sACN at universe 1-500 and ArtNet 501-600

As the subject says, we would try to use  sACN at universe 1-500 and ArtNet on universe 501-600.

Where can I found a guide how to setup ArtNet on EOS 3.2 if I search on "ArtNet"? The online manual is not the best to explain all steps about ArtNet and how everything works out. sACN is more easy to handle. ;)

We found couple of places that handle ArtNet and it´s enabled and we change in our patch that some universe should be send by ArtNet. I´am going to use The ArtNetominator next week, but need to read more about it this weekend and be more prepered. 

This is a test for our LED-trolleys that we had problem with so we would send sACN on port 1 and ArtNet on port 2. We would test four trolleys on sACN and the rest on ArtNet to see if we get some diffrence on the output on the trolleys. We think we could have a network issue on this rather a EOS-software issue.

  • Hi there! 

    To make sure you have ArtNet enabled and setup all the way in 3.2, have you done all of these steps:

    1. From the Eos application, go to Setup->Device Settings->Network and enable ArtNet on the specific network port you want.

    2. In Patch (Tab 12), go to the Protocols page in the CIA, and under the ArtNet section ensure that ArtNet is enabled. (You can also define the Start Universe here)

    3. In Patch with the channels you want to control via ArtNet selected, go to the default Patch page in the CIA, on the right side select "Interface" and make sure that those channels have ArtNet selected as one of their output interfaces.

    If you've tried all those steps and you're still having issues, you could in fact have a separate issue outside of the console. How do you have your network setup? Are do you have a switch in between the console and the fixtures? Or do you have a home run from the fixtures to the console?

    Here's the official article on how to setup ArtNet in Eos. This was written before 3.2 was released so the settings won't necessarily be in the same places in the software (most of them are now accessible within the Eos application now), however the setup process should still operate the same:

    ArtNet Configuration in Eos Software

    Hope this helps!

  • this could well be a networking problem. what's your system look like? what's the topology and what models are your switches?

  • We use Cisco-switch 550X-serie connected with 10Gigabit fiber. We have a couple of networkswitch up and running, but we only had two "networksswitch jump" between source (Apex10) to destination (DMX-Node/Entec Pixelator). No VLANS. I setup this for couple of years ago with Cisco 300 and 350-serie, and change it to 550X-serie last year. Same config as ETC recommend in there guides for Cisco.

    We had identify that we had problem with two network outlet on stage, we got a more stable connection when we reconnected them to other outlets. Now we had a more reliable sACN from consoles to our ENTEC-pixelled tape, but it could be better because it lags sometimes. Slight smile

    We added 64 more universe when we pixelmap our LED... Would just test to separate theese 64 universe on another networkport and the only way is to use ArtNet, because we normal use sACN. Maybee add a separeted 1Gigabit switch on stage to handle these universe.

  • Hi Bill, Thanks for the information. Slight smile

    We checked your list  and we had done everything by it already.

    The ArtNetominator looks like it use ArtNet3 and the limitation of 256 universe. We use universe 501-564. When we repatch one of our "fixture" we got signal out of the consoles on the ArtNet-port. ArtNet 4 has a theoretical limitations of 32,768 if I understand everything correct.

    Now I need to figure out what version of ArtNet EOS use. I also need to check Entec what version they use. If EOS or Entec had a limitation on 256 universe we need to do another patch for test. 

  • The ArtNetominator only show me ArtNet 1 and 2... up to 256 universe. ArtNet 1-4 use the same package of data  up to 256 universe, and above  they do other stuff with the package to handle the rest universe up to 32,768. I translate one text wrong that I read on internet about ArtNet 3.

    Enttec use ArtNet 3 and can handle 32,768 universe.  I guess EOS 3.2 use ArtNet 3 or 4.

    Now I need to found another software so I can view all ArtNet-universe above  256 outside the EOS -software. I download Luminex Monitor and hope I can see more. But not today...

  • Were there additional things you found out? It sounds like you were about to do a test, was it successful?

    Thanks for letting us know.
