The FX Layer is not allowing the color space to be chosen for the "Start Color" and "End Color".
"HS" "XY" and "Gel" are not selectable within the ML Controls. Instead, whatever Color Space the user has chosen for the Server Layer shows up in the last color "window" you are trying to manipulate.
For example:
I want to change the "End Color" of FX Layer. I click on "End Color" area. I go to Master Layer and select "Gel" in the Master Layer. When I return to the FX Layer, Gel is now in the "End Color". I go back to Server Layer and select "XY" in the Color Space; now the End Color is showing "XY" color space".
(There is also no Color Space choice for the "End Color" in FX Layer. Virtual Layers seem fine.)
3.2 b291