Query Absolute Value

I want to query the absolute value of a param. Say I have a fixture with tilt 90, I can `Query Tilt 90` and have that fixture selected, great. But if I store that same tilt 90 value into FP 1, and `Query Tilt 90` it no longer works, I have to `Query FP 1` Is there a way to query by the absolute value of a param?

  • This was the solution John Van Valkenburgh came up with on facebook. It's kludgy and changes the normal behavior of how query errors if the channel selection is empty. I think we really need a new modifier to query for "absolute" where we can peer through any abstracting palettes and presets. 

    Make sure your values are recorded into a cue
    Select all your channels
    {Make Abs} [Enter]
    {Query} {Tilt} 90 [Enter]
    [Clear] [Sneak] [Enter]
    [Select Last]
    You could do the same thing in blind except instead of Clear Sneak Enter, you Undo to the point before Make Abs. Select Last will still provide the queried channels.
  • This was the solution John Van Valkenburgh came up with on facebook. It's kludgy and changes the normal behavior of how query errors if the channel selection is empty. I think we really need a new modifier to query for "absolute" where we can peer through any abstracting palettes and presets. 

    Make sure your values are recorded into a cue
    Select all your channels
    {Make Abs} [Enter]
    {Query} {Tilt} 90 [Enter]
    [Clear] [Sneak] [Enter]
    [Select Last]
    You could do the same thing in blind except instead of Clear Sneak Enter, you Undo to the point before Make Abs. Select Last will still provide the queried channels.
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