ion xe, v3.2.2: [SHUTTER] touch stopped working and turned syntax into dot

Hello, strange thing yesterday: everything was working fine, was working on some presets with shutters. At some point, can't say what drive this, i hit [shutter} button after calling a fixture, command line indicates ch301 CELL. Then for a moment, couldn't access shutter using [shutter], any time i was pressing it, cell appeared on the command line. could still access them via ml control, fortunately, but it was very destabilizing and unpleasant. Saved my show, loaded it again, [shutter} was still incrementing "cell" in my command line. It worked again aftef a while, but couldn't point what made it work back.

This is not a minor bug, one native touch loosing it's function is kind of very worrying. Anyone experienced it already? Any advise from ETC if this happens again?

Parents Reply
  • Hi, this didn't happen since, and i should not see this device again before next summer. But as i said i made the log file and pointed the moment it happened:

    i made a copy of the onyxconsole1 fil, renamed it with dtae and time it happened, plus added a special line inside this onyx log copy  -------BUG SHUTTER BUTTON TURNING TO CELL-------. FIle is too big to get uploaded here, where should i send it?

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