how to implement upgraded address count? - Ion


I just upgraded the address count of my very old Ion to 6144 outputs.

the process was very easy.

I'm lost at the next step:  how do I access those addresses?

Is there something I need to "turn on" in the system settings?

in the Output setting, it is showing 4 port, with the 1 - 512, 513 - 1024, 1025 - ____ and 15xx - ____.

I guess I need to use 1 of the 2 ethernet ports, and Gadgets or Gateways. 

do I just plug a gadget in?

will the Output register that?

Does the ethernet port I use matter? (etc address or real world address)

(I've got an ETC RFR unit in 1 of the ethernet ports, with a switch in between.  Can I just plug the Gadget into the same switch?

Thanks everyone.  New world for me

Andrew Riter

  • Dear Andrew,

    the Outputs in the settings are just the physical Ports at the Back of you Desk.
    If you connect a Gadget to the Desk, it will also be listed there.

    In this same Setting-Window you can change the DMX output. Maybe you like to output 1-512 on port1 and 1025- 1536 on port2...
    You can also use 1/1 and 3/1 to enter in those outputs (1 / 1 = Universe / Start-Addr).


    As mentioned, the physical outputs on your Desk are bound to what you assigned them.
    In Patch you can freely use what ever Universe and Address you like...

    The main question is, how do you output them.
    While using the Ethernet Port could be very helpfull here. But you still need some one on the other side of the Line of the Ethernet Cable to understand your Signal. Eighter use some sort of Gateway with DMX Ports or maybe you use Fixtures that can allready be plugged via ethernet.

    The Physical Ports and the Ethernet are both outputting your Data at the same time (unless you tell them not to do so).


    And finaly your last question.
    The Gadget is suppost to work directly with the Desk or a Computer-base Setup (with Nomad installed). They are not stand-alone.
    So you could be lucky that your Network-switch will make it work.
    But i never tested it and someone from ETC should give you a more qualified answer, if that is officialy supported.



  • Just checking if the other reply below answered all your questions. If not, don't hesitate to reply here.

    Thank you
