EOS and Git integration

As an EOS Lighting Designer/Programmer I would like to have the ability to automatically have the EOS desk push my changes into an online git repo when I issue a show save command.  Parameters such as the git repo url and authentication information would need to be stored and used to push changes to the remote git repo.  This would allow me to have a remote version controlled backup of my show file.  I would also like the ability to clone a git repo down to the EOS desk and be able to open a show file that is stored in a local git repo.  As an initial implementation branch support would be a 'nice to have' option.

  • I don't think .esf files will track very well in git, but you could use git LFS.

    In the shell turn on SMB and share the show file archive over the network. Then you can take any computer you have, mount the share, init it as a git repo, and push / pull from there, including automatically with minimal scripting. It's not inside the console, but you'll get a pretty good outcome (I don't think this is very useful, but it mostly does what you want). There is 0 chance this gets implemented in Eos.

    I always mount my show archives on my laptop and use FreeFileSync to copy down any changes from the console to my local directory, and then again from there to the show cloud storage (Dropbox, etc).

  • I don't think .esf files will track very well in git, but you could use git LFS.

    In the shell turn on SMB and share the show file archive over the network. Then you can take any computer you have, mount the share, init it as a git repo, and push / pull from there, including automatically with minimal scripting. It's not inside the console, but you'll get a pretty good outcome (I don't think this is very useful, but it mostly does what you want). There is 0 chance this gets implemented in Eos.

    I always mount my show archives on my laptop and use FreeFileSync to copy down any changes from the console to my local directory, and then again from there to the show cloud storage (Dropbox, etc).

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