BUG - EOS 3.2.2 Build 25: Regarding effect playback after recovering from a failover state

I've been experiencing a bug as follows:

After recovering from a failover state (Primary takes control back from Backup), sometimes, Effect playback in cues is negatively impacted.

Mostly color effects become steppy and sporadic, and do not seem to follow their recorded timing parameters.

When monitoring the affected fixtures in sACN Output Viewer (and in 3rd party viewers), the only source is the IONXE20.

Asserting the affected cuelists does not solve the issue, only releasing and playing back the cue list results in expected behavior.

-IONXE20 - Master
-IONRPU - Backup
-GIO - Client
-Windows 10 Nomad - Client

Would love to know if there are any workarounds or fixes I could implement.

  • We were able to track this down and discover that it has been a problem for a long time (including 2.9x Eos software).  A bug has been logged: 

    [EOS-54734] After Primary Backup Take Over and Release, Effects can play back incorrectly

    The simplest way I've found to trigger the bad behavior is

    1. Start a multiconsole system of Primary and Backup
    2. Chan 1 at 50.  Chan 1 Effect 915.  Record Cue 1
    3. At the Primary, Release Control
    4. At the Primary, Take Control

    Once the showfile transfer is complete, and Primary is in control

    1. Chan 1 Effect 916 Enter.
    2. 1 Sneak Enter

    You will see Chan 1 running Effect 915 at a very high frequency.

    Go to Cue Out and re-run Cue 1, and it will be back to normal

  • We were able to track this down and discover that it has been a problem for a long time (including 2.9x Eos software).  A bug has been logged: 

    [EOS-54734] After Primary Backup Take Over and Release, Effects can play back incorrectly

    The simplest way I've found to trigger the bad behavior is

    1. Start a multiconsole system of Primary and Backup
    2. Chan 1 at 50.  Chan 1 Effect 915.  Record Cue 1
    3. At the Primary, Release Control
    4. At the Primary, Take Control

    Once the showfile transfer is complete, and Primary is in control

    1. Chan 1 Effect 916 Enter.
    2. 1 Sneak Enter

    You will see Chan 1 running Effect 915 at a very high frequency.

    Go to Cue Out and re-run Cue 1, and it will be back to normal

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