Bug Report - channels 'stuck' as manual after updating LTP sub

I discovered a bug where channels are stuck as 'manual' after one updates a channel into an LTP submaster.

Steps to reproduce bug:

  1. In Live, [Flex] {Manual}
  2. Create an LTP sub, and bring this submaster up
  3. Bring up any channel to any level (we are using channels with NIPs, but it doesn't matter if NIP's are included in the next steps)
  4. Channel # [Update] [Sub] # [Enter]

Channel should no longer be manual, will be displayed in yellow, and is visible in Flexi Manual. [Select Manual] will grab any channels that were updated into an LTP submaster using the steps above.


Channel # [Record] [Sub] # [Enter] does not add these 'ghost' manual channels.

After doing a Deep Clear on my macOS laptop running 3.2.0 build 291, these 'ghost' manual channels went away. In our studio environment with an Apex 10 Backup connected to an Apex RPU Primary, doing a Deep Clear on the backup did not remove the 'ghosts'. At the end of the day, we will deep clear the RPU to see if it resolves this issue.

Log files from the backup are attached. (console clock is 24 hours behind)


Apex Consoles are v3.2.2 build 25

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