The ‘Backup Takes Over at Higher Priority’ toggle in the patch protocols reenables itself after show load, even if the show was saved with it in the off position. This is turned off in the shell on all devices.
The ‘Backup Takes Over at Higher Priority’ toggle in the patch protocols reenables itself after show load, even if the show was saved with it in the off position. This is turned off in the shell on all devices.
This is not happening for me in v3.2.2.25. I saved a simple showfile with a single channel patched and this setting turned off. When I performed File > New, it was back to enabled (as expected). Once I loaded my simple showfile, it was back to being off.
To investigate further, could you please do the following?
- Be in your showfile.
- Toggle "Backup Takes Over" on, then off (or off/on/off if needed)
- Save the showfile
- perform a file > New
- check in Patch that it is back to "Enabled"
- Load the showfile you just saved
- check in Patch to see if it is still "Enabled"
Assuming that it is enabled even though you saved it disabled, please save your showfile and logs and email those to us at eos @ Please make sure you reference this Forum Post when you email us.
Thanks, -MattP.
Just checking if you have seen this again, pipster81184 ? We'd love to know if you think the bug you encountered is still around.
Thank you.