Pixel Map Media Not Importing

I am trying to use the Virtual Media Server to run content through a pixel map in Nomad through a ETG Dongle and gadget. However, when i select my content layer, the files are greyed out for every library, including the ones i've imported content into.

I beleive my issue is with the Import Pixel Map Media function. When i go to File>Import>All Pixel Map Media and then select the media folder I downloaded from etcconnect, it says "Media Import Completed Successfully", but shows a 0% progress bar. I know that it is not actually importing anything because when I check the source folder that the Media archive is linked to, those libraries are empty. 

Even when I try to manually import content into the library folders within the Media Archive, the content will not appear in ML Controls. I'm somewhat new to pixel mapping in EOS, is there something I'm doing wrong?

In the shell settings it also says Pixel Map Media [Not Installed] Despite having multiple times treid to import media and run the installer off of the etc website for good measure.

