How do I keep the encoder display open after update?

I have an Ion Xe, every time I update anything, the encoder display closes and is replaced with the browser. Is there a way to prevent this behavior and always have the encoder display open?

  • This is currently not possible. Since the Encoder Display takes up quite a big chunk of your displays it tries to vacate the space sooner rather than later.

    If you feel this would be a valuable addition to the Eos software please feel free to post this in the Feature Request section of the Eos forum.

    Thank you!

  • Just to be clear, the "big chunk of my displays" the extremely useful encoder display was taking up is being replaced with the equally large but extremely useless browser. I need the browser about once a day when renaming the show, I'm happy to push the dedicated button that summons it when required.

    The real issue is I was just looking at the encoders, did something not related to encoders or display config (update), and now my displays are different. I would consider this behavior a bug.

  • Just to be clear, the "big chunk of my displays" the extremely useful encoder display was taking up is being replaced with the equally large but extremely useless browser. I need the browser about once a day when renaming the show, I'm happy to push the dedicated button that summons it when required.

    The real issue is I was just looking at the encoders, did something not related to encoders or display config (update), and now my displays are different. I would consider this behavior a bug.
