Live Summary display: excluding channel range?

Is there a method for creating a display, equivalent to the standard Live Summary, but excluding a given range of channels? In programming sessions and show, I use Active flexi, but that continues to show me the channel range with running lights etc.

(Yes, I know I can park them on and thus not have to look at them, but I need to do this within the standard procedures of my organization--which for now means they're cued in, not parked.)

A magic sheet won't do flexi, so that's not going to give me what I'm looking for.

I think the ideal would be to create a horizontally split screen, in which the top half is a Live Summary showing (for example) channels 1-1999 in Active flexi, and the bottom half would show Live Summary for channels 2000-4000. If that were some kind of visual divider within the Live Summary, or separate frames, doesn't matter to me.

Any ideas on how to build this?

  • To add to the other quite comprehensive answers:

    There is a Flexi state called "View Channels" that allows you to partially achieve what you want: You can choose a set of channels that will be shown in tabs which are currently set to this Flexi state. The limitation is however that you can only define one set of those channels even if you have multiple Live tabs open.

    Maybe this still will help getting you closer to what you want to achieve. If you feel that your suggestion would make a valuable addition to the Eos software, feel free to add this to the Feature Request section of the Eos fourm.

    Thank you.

  • To add to the other quite comprehensive answers:

    There is a Flexi state called "View Channels" that allows you to partially achieve what you want: You can choose a set of channels that will be shown in tabs which are currently set to this Flexi state. The limitation is however that you can only define one set of those channels even if you have multiple Live tabs open.

    Maybe this still will help getting you closer to what you want to achieve. If you feel that your suggestion would make a valuable addition to the Eos software, feel free to add this to the Feature Request section of the Eos fourm.

    Thank you.

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