Auto-labelling on EOS channels


Is there a way to auto-label a set channels (e.g. with an incremental number/letter suffix) on EOS channels ?

A bit of context: I'm pretty new to EOS and going trough the Workbook 1. First exercise is to patch a bunch of channels and add labels. For instance, labeling a set of 20 channels from [Downlight - A] to [Downlight - T]. I do not mind doing it manually, but I feel like the purpose of the exercise is to drive me to find a smarter way to do this... Is there one?

Thanks in advance!

  • I don't know if there are ways to automate this.  There are likely ways, including using a Macro, but the only way I can think of to make it a bit quicker I'd select all the channels I want to label, and while they are selected, label them all at once [Downlight - A].  Then I'd just have to edit the last letter in each channel individually by skipping through them one at a time with [Next], [Label], [Clear], [B], [Enter], [Next], [Label], [Clear], [C], [Enter], [Next], etc.

    If you are doing this on Nomad (so on a PC) you can use the usual Windows commands to cut and paste [Ctrl] [C], and [Ctrl [V] from some other list you have made in another program already.

    I have a feeling I'm probably about to learn a better way though...

  • Since it is Labeling, there is no real smarter way.

    You could leave the letter away and only right "Downlight -" and to an other round to enter the Letter at the End.
    But the last Space isn't recorded. So you always have to enter a Space first.

    And you can alway "don't care" about it. Because it is nothing important to enter the last letter.

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