Preset/pallet priority levels?


Im building out the desks magic sheet for a local theatre and they recendtly got some new movers. I have recorded a bunch of focus/beam/color pallets (using filters to make sure there not contradicting etcetera) and a few basic preset for them.

Ive also put some of the movers functions like, zoom, pan, tilt, edge and so on, on some subs. 

Everythings been working well, but there are two things id love advise on for ease of use of the magic sheet. 


is there a way to auto select the channels/group when i click the pallet/preset button? I know i could write a command button or marco, but im wondering if theres any easier/simpler way, so there house tech can makes edits if needed - if not, does somebody have an example of the syntax i would want to use? 


is theres a priority level for pallets/presets?

I want to be able to let them click a pallet as a base, then adjust with the subs from there. right know when I grab the group/channels, and set them to a pallet, the subs don't have control until I release the group/channels?

I tied playing around with the level of priority and background settings of the subs but no luck (apart from when shielded but the cue list needs to be the top level of priority and only goes to P10)

Let me know if you need more info or photos on what I'm asking for / about

  • re 1:

    The main syntax that allows selection of channels in this context would be:

    [Group] {Magic Sheet Preset button}

    But if the question is about making edits, would the workflow be to put the full preset on stage and then edit it, i.e. is sending the preset/palette on stage part of the workflow you're envisioning? If so there also this syntax

    [RecallFrom] {Magic Sheet Preset button}

    For both the Group and the RecallFrom syntax you could ask the operator the press the respective hardkey, But you could also add button objects to your magic sheet, so there'd be a Group button on the magic sheet itself.

    re 2:

    I assume you're running across what's called manual capture. If you have a channel with red values (manual values, I.e. if you select channels and set them to a preset by clicking a preset button in a magic sheet) and this channel is selected, The red values of that channel are considered captured I.e. they're not available for playback (i.e. cuelists and subs)

    Captured channels are prioritized higher than P10.

    As soon as the channels are de-selected you should see that they will react to your subs.
