HOG 4 PC and ETC EOS on PC using Gadget II breaking output for both programs

We've been running our lights for 5 years using ETC Eos outputting to our dimmers via a Gadget II.  When I tried to experiment with HOG 4 PC on the same PC, the installation appeared to break functionality for both programs...neither program was able to communicate with our dimmers.

I uninstalled HOG 4 PC from that computer, and still could not get ETC Eos to output to the dimmers.

I uninstalled ETC Eos from that computer, and reinstalled ETC Eos...still no joy.

I eventually, under a production deadline, simply switched out the "lighting PC" for our "audio PC", installed ETC Eos, and regained control of our lights.

I should be happy, right?  Well, no. 

  1. I still have not been able to experiment with HOG 4 PC (and get my students playing with it).
  2. I have audio recording/playback software and files on the original "audio PC" that I don't want to wrestle onto the original "lighting PC" and vice versa.

I was considering assigning one computer to be the home of ETC Eos, and the other HOG 4 PC, and just physically move the Gadget from one computer to the other.

It seems to me that ETC has known the HOG 4 PC and ETC Eos with Gadget II has been a problem since at least 2021.  Is there a fix?

I have found the following resource, but the last update to it appears to be 2021.

