Keyframe or Cues - enlighten me

Hello there,

a couple of people are throwing in the concept of Keyframeing in the Forum.
I can hardly bring it in contact with TimeCode but nothing more.

Maybe we can start a conversation here, and not spam other Threads.


So please tell me, why is there an issue or discussion for YOU with Keyframes and Cues?

Thank you in advance


  • It came up on exactly 1 somewhat unrelated thread (that I'm aware of, and I'm probably the only one talking about it), as a solution to persistent marking problems, and then I started a new thread myself that didn't get interaction. So not exactly spamming. 

    Once I get keyframes working for Eos, I'll probably post a demonstration here. It'll probably be working by the weekend. 

    Basically it's for mapping complex movement to predefined, custom paths. Exclusively for working with a Visual Lighting Sequencer. That I already have working. 

  • You only came up with it recently. There where other people who talked about it in the past.
    And yes, it was not realy spamming. But the opening of the reference thread was something complete different and than this topic took, kind of, over.

    And non the less, i don't realy understand the concept or way of thinking over all.
    So maybe it can be re-explained to me again, please. 

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