How to make a proportional color fade / Astera-Tube Color Fade Bug


we have the problem that if we let the Astera tubes fade for a long time, 
they feel like they go through all the colors just before they are out.
Someone told me you could set the color fade to "proportional" in the console.
So if, for example, blue is at 100% and green is at 75% and yellow at 10%: the console should first move
blue to 75% and then pull both colors together to 10% and then all 3 Colors together to 0%. (And please without using special times,
this should work quickly even with 6 or more colors)
I think it's an astera bug because it also happens when only one color slowly dims. 
But I don't really remember it. But the function to dim the colors proportionally would still be practical.
  • Eos does move colors proportionally, but "proportional" has a different meaning.

    It means that all colors keep their proportions. So for example R=0, G=100, B=50. You want to fade all colors to zero. After half the fade you will have R=50 and B=25. Proportional meaning that after half the fade time all parameters have travelled half the distance of their move. And also meaning that all color values stay in the same position relative to each other: G was double the amount of B, this will stay the same until they reach zero.

    So, yes Eos does fade colors proportionally, but not in the way you want it to. I'm not aware of a general method to make it fade the way you want, because it certainly wouldn't preserve the same color during the fade.

    Thank you.

  • Eos does move colors proportionally, but "proportional" has a different meaning.

    It means that all colors keep their proportions. So for example R=0, G=100, B=50. You want to fade all colors to zero. After half the fade you will have R=50 and B=25. Proportional meaning that after half the fade time all parameters have travelled half the distance of their move. And also meaning that all color values stay in the same position relative to each other: G was double the amount of B, this will stay the same until they reach zero.

    So, yes Eos does fade colors proportionally, but not in the way you want it to. I'm not aware of a general method to make it fade the way you want, because it certainly wouldn't preserve the same color during the fade.

    Thank you.

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