Transferring Show Files

My name is Mike Gall.  I am the lights manager at a Community Theatre in Callao, Virginia.  We have just purchased a new ETC Ion XE20 Light Board to replace an old ETC Element Board.  How do I transfer the library of Show Files from the old board to the new one?

  • Thank you for reaching out. On your Element go to the Shell > Settings > Maintenance. There's a button {Backup Show Archive}. After clicking it you'll be presented with a choice: Latest or Everything. This will then either copy only the latest showfile of each performance (showfiles with same name before time stamp) or everything to a USB drive. Depending on size of your library his may take a while.

    On your new Ion you can either use {Restore Show Archive} in Shell > Settings > Maintenance, or use {File Manager} in the same location to be a bit more selective of what you want to bring over, like maybe copy them into a new folder called "Season 2022-23".

    Does that help?

  • Thank you for reaching out. On your Element go to the Shell > Settings > Maintenance. There's a button {Backup Show Archive}. After clicking it you'll be presented with a choice: Latest or Everything. This will then either copy only the latest showfile of each performance (showfiles with same name before time stamp) or everything to a USB drive. Depending on size of your library his may take a while.

    On your new Ion you can either use {Restore Show Archive} in Shell > Settings > Maintenance, or use {File Manager} in the same location to be a bit more selective of what you want to bring over, like maybe copy them into a new folder called "Season 2022-23".

    Does that help?

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