Pre-programming without 3D for moving lights in Eos


I'm about to do some preparation for a production with some movers. My big question is how would I know the position roughly? Is there a way of making it more precisely? Or is it possible to reset the home position when I'm in space so the other positions will be relatively correct? 

Does this relate to how I rig the fixtures? 

I know that it's never the same when you preprogram and program in space but I wonder how much I can do before we deal with the actual tech?  

  • Good question. This is what I do. I use augmented but because where the moving lights are focused  in A3d are not the same as in the real space I save a number of focus pallets. I use them to progrman away form the space and ignore what it looks like in the screen knowing. that they will be correct in the real space. whe I get to the space I just have to touch up the focus of the focus pallets and off I go. 

    Hope this helps

