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Eos v3.2.5 has released!

I am pleased to announce that Eos v3.2.5 has released! This patch build focuses on critical fixes and integrates firmware for some Apex modules. ETC recommends users upgrade when production schedules allow, to receive the latest bug fixes and improvements.  

  • [Shift] & [Stop/Back] could put Primary and Client devices in different active cues
    • Workaround: a [GoToCue] [##] [Enter] will re-sync all devices
  • Network storage directories produced errors when executing a save
  • [Go] and [Stop/Back] presses on Apex main fader pair can be missed while backlights are fading
    • Fix: update the Apex Main Playback module to v1.1.3.1 firmware from the Shell 
    • Workaround: ensure Apex is awake (not dimmed) before executing [Go] or [Stop/Back] commands. [Shift] or [Clear] are safe ways to wake up the console. 
  • Recalling a Snapshot with Blind Spreadsheet view was not switching format to Spreadsheet
  • {New From Template} now preserves the Park buffer through the file load
  • CMY color changes were not causing a Live Move
  • ETCnomad devices could accumulate false instances of wifi adapters
  • Updating a Palette reference currently used by a Sub would Sneak to the previous Palette value
  • Added {Allow App Connections} and {Visible to Mobile Apps} to the Macro Editor

For software and release note downloads, check out

Nick Gonsman
Eos Family Product Manager
