Remote firing macros

Can someone point me in the right direction?  I'd like to learn how to use the remote trigger port to fire macros.  I'm using an Ion XE running 3.2.4  Thank you for any help.

Parents Reply
  • That's what you want it to look like:

    This is tab 11. In the bottom half you have event lists, in the top half there are the events within that event list.

    You'll need an event list of type Analog. The source is whatever you put in as Source Id in Setup > Device > ShowControl > Contacts:

    Back to tab 11. You'll need to have External enabled to make it work. Toggling this to Off is a simple way to temporarily deactivate the remote trigger.

    Within this event list create events. The addresses again reference what you entered in setup. And finally the Action is what you want the console to do when triggered. You can choose between Cue, Sub and Macro.

    Does that help?
