How can I program a moving light to be a followspot in a fader?

How can you program a moving light as a temporary followspot on a fader? 

I have an actor moving into the audience which cuts off the follow spotlight from FOH, so I need to program a spot onstage as a followspot.

Before I get a Robo, I needed to see if this was possible and if anyone else has done it before.

  • Yes it's possible (but not necessarily pretty)

    I've done this once or twice, with a back light IQ for a comedy show.  lots of L to Right, no Upstage / Down stage

    1: make a Preset (focus position, colour, iris, etc) Palette at the top of the stairs, or just before the FS loses the performer.

    record the preset onto a sub, Proportional fader.

    2: make a second preset, or a focus palette, as the ending position (further up the aisle, ideally a straight tilt command to the Mover).  add iris to widen out if necessary.

    Record onto a second sub, proportional.

    sneak lamp out.

    Run up Sub 1: lamp should roll over and turn on at FP 1.  (or have lamp turn on via cue, another sub, etc)

    fade in sub 2: lamp should start drifting towards the end point.  time your fader push/pull with the movement of hte actor.

    when actor is finished and heading back to stage: pull down sub 2 (lamp moves back to first position).  when actor clear, turn lamp off, and pull down sub 1 (lamp will return to position previous to adding sub 1.)

    possible, but not necessarily pretty.


  • Yes it's possible (but not necessarily pretty)

    I've done this once or twice, with a back light IQ for a comedy show.  lots of L to Right, no Upstage / Down stage

    1: make a Preset (focus position, colour, iris, etc) Palette at the top of the stairs, or just before the FS loses the performer.

    record the preset onto a sub, Proportional fader.

    2: make a second preset, or a focus palette, as the ending position (further up the aisle, ideally a straight tilt command to the Mover).  add iris to widen out if necessary.

    Record onto a second sub, proportional.

    sneak lamp out.

    Run up Sub 1: lamp should roll over and turn on at FP 1.  (or have lamp turn on via cue, another sub, etc)

    fade in sub 2: lamp should start drifting towards the end point.  time your fader push/pull with the movement of hte actor.

    when actor is finished and heading back to stage: pull down sub 2 (lamp moves back to first position).  when actor clear, turn lamp off, and pull down sub 1 (lamp will return to position previous to adding sub 1.)

    possible, but not necessarily pretty.


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