Timecode set in ShowControll Tab will not shown in PSD

I create an Eventlist 1/ and add Event 1.
Starttime for the this list is time is 00:00:00:00
First event -Q1- will start at 00:00:05:00.
I change now to PSD view and activate the Timecode Colunm.
But ar Q1 i not see the time 00:00:05:00.
If i click on Timecode in PSD i can manipulate the time and the change will also take to the Eventlist.

What do i miss so the Timecode will show automatic in PSD?

Parents Reply

  • Next challenge.
    I have in a show 7 Eventlist.
    List 1 starts with Timecode 00:00:00:00
    List 2 strts with Timecode 01:00:00:00
    List 3, Timecode 02:00:00:00

    List 1 ist for the Cue 1-50.
    List 2 is for the Cues 51-100

    But i can only do Cue 1/ Timecode 1
    Then the PSD show the Timecode for the ues 1-50 with Timecode 00:00:00:00
    But not for List two
    How can i have from Cue 51 starts the Timecode 01:00:00:00 ind the PSD?

    Cue 1/ 51 Timecode give me only the option manipulate the timecode himself.
    But i get not the List for the Cues.

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