Programming an effect

I am wanting to program an effect into an ETC Ion console. I’m new to programming effects, so I’d love some help with the best way to do this one.

I need half the lights to be one color and another half to be another color and then they each switch. So group 1 is red while group 2 is green, and then after a second or two, group 1 is green while group 1 is red (and back and forth until the next cue).

Do I need to run two different effects for this or can I do it within the same effect? 

Also, I’d love an effect where a color can travel across the wash lights over and over. For example (using green and red again) - the wash lights are all set to green, but the effect brings a line of red over the stage over and over until the next cue.


  • 1 effect with 2 color palettes. First color palette: set the first color state for all fixtures in the effect, record the color palette, repeat with second color palette for second state, and then put those 2 color palettes in the On State of 2 steps in a step-based effect. See attached screenshot.

    For the second effect, probably should use an absolute effect. I just tried doing it super fast but wasn't successful since you have to do it by individual RGB value.

    Give me a couple of months and I'll have released a module of my software that makes this extremely intuitive, simple enough a small child could understand it.

  • 1 effect with 2 color palettes. First color palette: set the first color state for all fixtures in the effect, record the color palette, repeat with second color palette for second state, and then put those 2 color palettes in the On State of 2 steps in a step-based effect. See attached screenshot.

    For the second effect, probably should use an absolute effect. I just tried doing it super fast but wasn't successful since you have to do it by individual RGB value.

    Give me a couple of months and I'll have released a module of my software that makes this extremely intuitive, simple enough a small child could understand it.

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