Exiting Show File in Ion XE 20


I can not get back to manual control on our brand new Ion XE 20.  We recently got a brand new XE 20 to replace a very old Element.  

The system is currently in a show file and I have no manual control on the faders nor is fader control lit up and there is nothing lit on the faders.  I tried simply exiting under show files but that takes me back to the main screen, doesn't exit the show file and doesn't get me back to basic manual control.  

It feels like I'm missing something incredibly basic, but on the old Element, exit would literally take you out of a show file.  

Any suggestions on how to get back to a basic manual control and out of  show file would be greatly appreciated.  

  • I will need clarification here. On the element did you just push up faders and lights came on? If so were you using fader control (the rotary knob top right of the faders set to faders) or was it in submaster condition (the last 2 settings on the knob above). 

    The element maps the "faders" 1:1 and you can record submasters to combine multiple fixtures (for ease of use) on one fader handle. 

    The XE20 does not operate in "fader mode" unless you record content to each fader. Each fader can do a multitude of different things so I recommend watching the EOS videos to learn more.

    I hope this helps you understand just a little bit more.



  • I will need clarification here. On the element did you just push up faders and lights came on? If so were you using fader control (the rotary knob top right of the faders set to faders) or was it in submaster condition (the last 2 settings on the knob above). 

    The element maps the "faders" 1:1 and you can record submasters to combine multiple fixtures (for ease of use) on one fader handle. 

    The XE20 does not operate in "fader mode" unless you record content to each fader. Each fader can do a multitude of different things so I recommend watching the EOS videos to learn more.

    I hope this helps you understand just a little bit more.



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