Connecting Capture to Nomad on the same PC

I am trying to use capture and Nomad on the same PC to use for previz for an upcoming show but I just can’t seem to figure out why it isn’t working.

I can very easily connect the two on my MacBook and can also connect my MacBook to my PC via Ethernet to previz but I just want to do it internally on my PC. 

My PC is connected to the router via power line adapters but I have tried using wifi, an Ethernet switch and a loop back adapter all to no avail. 

If anyone has any advice it’d be much appreciated.



  • Hello Jacob,

    i recall having sometime issues with it in the past.
    But a test right now, made it nearly happen at the first try.

    I normaly start Capture first and EOS after that.
    In my test the universe did not connect right away. So i went into capture>DMX Universes>more (Button on the Bottom) and than "Reset external Universes"

    That made it happen.

    I do use a loopback adapter.
    And in Capture sACN is set to IP Address> Automatic

    tested with:
    Capture v2023.1.6
    EOS v3.2.2.25 in Offline w/wiz - mode
    Win 10

  • Thank you for the reply. I have tried everything exactly as you said and unfortunately still no luck. I didn't know about the reset external universes button so thanks for letting me know about that but it does not seem to help in my case. The thing I find so odd is how easy it is to set this up both internally on my Mac and between my PC and my Mac but it seems I just can't get it to work internally on the PC no matter what I try.

  • you could disable the wifi, that the Loopback is the only thing working.

    And Yes, sometimes it is a mistery.

    What you can try next is to set in Capture the IP for EOS to the IP of your LoopBack Adapter.
    This can be done in the DMX Universes Tab.

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