Stepping rainbow chase effect element 2

Hi, i'm a total noob here, but i'm making some effects for a musical and at one point in the show I need rainbow lighting going down the stage in columns, stepping in time with the beat. I already have an effect that's close by making an absolute effect with actions 1-7 corresponding to color palettes 1-7 (ROYGBIV), with time set to 0 and dwell set to 1, but how would I go about syncing this effect up across the trusses of lights so all of the colors are consistent down a column of lights? Thank you!

Parents Reply Children
  • close, that does help, but it doesn't sync the lights across different groups.  This is the sort of pattern I'm looking for, where the rows are different groups of lights, but the lights themselves sync across different groups, with every light shifting left at the tempo.

  • Are the lights actually layed out as simmetrically as the drawing suggests?

    In that case some simple grouping in your channel selection should help:

    Let's assume your top row is channels 11-17, next in 21-27, 3rd row is 31-37 etc. and group 1 has all channels ordered line by line, one channel after the other. (NB this works without groups as well, this is just for the sake of keeping the example syntax in this reply a bit simpler)

    The goal for your selection is (11+21+31+41+51+61+71)(12+22+32+42+52+62+72)(13+23+33+43+53+63+73)(14+24+34+44+54+64+74)(15+25+35+45+55+65+75).

    These parentheses are called subgroups. Everything within a subgroup is treated as one element by the effect, i.e. everything within one pair of parentheses will get the same color.

    You can get these parentheses with [Shift]&[/] and type all channels manually, or you use the Offset tool to help.

    Group 1 {Offset} {Channel per Group} 7 Enter will generate this selection for you.

    And now that you have the selection you can append it with the Effect instruction.

    Group 1 {Offset} {Channel per Group} 7 Effect 1 Enter.


    Does this help?

  • That does help more, only thing I need is for every subgroup to change at the same time. Right now, they do cycle through all of the colors, but every subgroup cycles one at a time, and I want them to all cycle simultaneously

  • I think i made a mistake in the Offset syntax. Just to check that we're talking about the same thing:

    this is the result of this group

    running this effect

  • Nevermind! I had to rework the effect so there was one subgroup per action
