Any chance the parameter count will be boosted passed 6144 this year?

I'm using 11.5 of 12 universes and am desperate to know if we could get an answer on when we can upgrade our lighting consoles passed 6144 parameters or stack licenses. 

I've purchased two 6144 licenses (primary and backup), a programming wing and two 1024 licenses (clients.) 

I love EOS and have been using ETC since Expression 3. I just want to upgrade my parameter count. It's very frustrating waiting for this long without an option for upgrades that make financial sense.

Especially as the years go by more and more single parameter conventional dimmers are being replaced by fixtures that use 20+ parameters with individual cells. We have one fixture that uses 432 parameters.

Please ETC spread the love and let us get more parameters without breaking the bank.

It's been a few years since I first asked about this and other people had asked several years before I did.

According to the parameter chart the last time there was a parameter increase was in 2017 which was 7 years ago.

I'm truly a lighting nomad and appreciate having a small agile physical footprint that is easy to transport to all the random different places I end up programming at. Even if I could afford two brand new Apex consoles I would need to also buy a truck to transport them and a rent a storage unit to store them between jobs. There's no way they'd fit in my apartment.

Thank you.

  • This is where I ended up on Friday this week. Tucked away between two desks in a real office. I mentioned owning the programming wing in my first post, I never use it. I use a Ducky brand keyboard, I know all the shortcuts and can reprogram the keys to any other key or macros. No programmer I've met is faster than me. The backup (not pictured) is on the shelf under my keyboard. This set up is perfect for me, i can sit next to my boss so we don't have to use radios, I can roll into set and draft maps with the fantastic EOS magic sheets. I'm plugged into what's happening instead of being up in a booth having notes related to me over a radio. The one and only downside is I ran out of parameters. I'm hoping that we can unlock more parameters so I can keep using and loving EOS.

  • Have you considered purchasing an RPU? If parameter expansion is crucial to you, I’d get dedicated hardware that supports expanded parameters. That way you don’t need to get additional control surfaces, just a 3RU box.
