Effect Status Display Size + Rate do not return to background values with @ Enter or Sneak

Size + Rate in the Effect Status Display have very strange properties generally. 

This issue is that if a rate (or size) for a specific effect is recorded into the cue, and then manually modified, it cannot be reset to its 'cue' value without reloading the cue, or sneaking the channel the effect is applied to.

Example with @ Enter :

1) Ch 205 @ Effect 1

2) Open Effect Status Display, set Rate to 200

3) Record Cue 1

4) set Rate to 300 (turns red as now manual value)

5) Click Rate: Rate @ Enter 

6) Rate is now set to 100 instead of 200

Example with Sneak:

1) Ch 205 @ Effect 1

2) Open Effect Status Display, set Rate to 200

3) Record Cue 1

4) set Rate to 300 (turns red as now manual value)

5) click Rate: Rate Sneak Enter

6) Rate is now set to 100 instead of 200

Additionally, rate + size do not allow for Home, +%, -%. Maybe it is related. 
