replace fixture


what is the best way to replace a fixture in show  for a new venue

i explain  in my  show , i have  wash mac aura xb , spot mac quantum , par led   kolor 120hd starway.

my next venue i have  wash robe lead beam 300, spot espite , par led  parfect robe

is it the good way

for me i load  my show with mac aura  esprite , rush

i change type in patch  aura by lead beam , quantum by esprite ,  par kolor by parfect robe

 adjust  dmx adress   

after update my palette  pos col  beam  preset  and i ts ok?

thanks for reply


  • Yes, changing the type in patch is the way to go. Make sure that you have Preserve Native disabled.

    Additionally you could copy the channel before changing the type. If you use {Plus Show} when copying this will create a copy in all cues, groups, palettes and presets to make sure you can compare original and changed type afterwards.

    Last thing to consider: If you replace an older moving light by a newer one you'll usually have more parameters now. This means you'll have some parameters that didn't exist before. Those will be empty in cues, palettes, presets. If you're not suing those parameters at least consider filling the gaps by the home values.

  • Yes, changing the type in patch is the way to go. Make sure that you have Preserve Native disabled.

    Additionally you could copy the channel before changing the type. If you use {Plus Show} when copying this will create a copy in all cues, groups, palettes and presets to make sure you can compare original and changed type afterwards.

    Last thing to consider: If you replace an older moving light by a newer one you'll usually have more parameters now. This means you'll have some parameters that didn't exist before. Those will be empty in cues, palettes, presets. If you're not suing those parameters at least consider filling the gaps by the home values.

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