Spreading MLs

I have 5 small MLs across the apron of a 30' stage. I want to point them all straight up then, in unision, tilt  back 45' upsatge. Then criss cross (fan?) evenly in and out stage left adnd right.. What would be the best way to create such an effect?

  • The workflow you describe is what you would do while programming and you're looking for a way how to achieve that "criss cross", or is the whole sequence supposed to be an effect that you can run at any time?

  • The effect would take place at several times during the show. Yes, I would be programming before show to use the new effects (direct silects( when recording cues.

    The audience should see six vertical beams through haze. The beams would then tilt over toward backstage. The beams would then, is the term 'Fan', so right three (From audience view)  would slant over to the left while the left three would slant to the right proportionally.They'd  then 'unwind' and spread outwards. Something like that. I see this stuff on big venues a lot. We are just a small community theatre putting on "We Will Rock You" and want to add some pizazz..

  • Create focus palettes for "straight down", "us 45", and "aerial crossed".

    It's possible to build the movement as either a one-and-done absolute effect or a cue list. My preference would be an absolute effect that references the focus palettes.

    Tweak the timings to suit.

    Any time you want to fire it add a cue that runs the effect and a subsequent cue to fade the lights.

    The fades could be built into presets if desired with the absolute effect referencing the presets instead of the focus palettes.

  • Create focus palettes for "straight down", "us 45", and "aerial crossed".

    It's possible to build the movement as either a one-and-done absolute effect or a cue list. My preference would be an absolute effect that references the focus palettes.

    Tweak the timings to suit.

    Any time you want to fire it add a cue that runs the effect and a subsequent cue to fade the lights.

    The fades could be built into presets if desired with the absolute effect referencing the presets instead of the focus palettes.

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