Bug? Go-to-cue at time, parts countdown wrong

Hi all, when go to a cue partway through a fade (such as [go-to-cue] [at] [50] [enter] [go]), and then hit go to continue the cue from that point, the countdown on the timing and duration shows the countdown for the total cue time on all parts, instead of the individual part's timing countdown. Duration does this whether or not the timing countdown is displayed on the cue times, and the cue times show it when countdown is enabled there. 

It looks like the actual channel levels are correct, it's only about the display of the countdown on the parts. I'm assuming this is not desired functionality, as it is different from normal playback display (and is frustrating that I lose access to the completion status of the parts in these situations). 

v 3.2.5 Build 13. 

Let me know if I'm missing something here!

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